La Divisa y la historia de la iglesia

La iglesia, la casa solar adosada a ella y las tierras eran propiedad indivisible de los diviseros. En los últimos siglos del medievo, los vecinos se apropiaron de las tierras, gobernando la Divisa los regidores de las villas, terminando el culto en la iglesia y derruyéndose la Casa Solar.

En 1534 Diego Ramírez de la Piscina recupera el Patronato de la Divisa y se redactaron nuevos Estatutos. El escudo instalado sobre la puerta principal en el siglo XVI, cuando se renovó esta institución, recuerda dicha circunstancia.

En 1974 se restaura la iglesia y la Casa Solar, y una Junta de Restauración de la Divisa constituye la “Muy Ilustre y Antiquísima Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de la Probática Piscina de Jerusalén”, aprobándose los Estatutos en Febrero de 1975, y nombrándose una Diputación que encabeza como patrono el Marqués de Legarda. La Divisa celebra su fiesta y reunión el día de la Virgen de Agosto.

Se puede pertenecer a la Divisa como cofrade o divisero, éstos últimos tienen que probar además de su condición de católicos, la hidalguía de sangre del linaje paterno y la descendencia de alguno de los diviseros o del Infante D. Ramiro.

Más información

The church of Santa María de la Piscina.

This church, the lineage-house attached to it and the associated lands were indivisible property of the ‘diviseros’ or members of the ‘Divisa’, a noble institution constituted by the direct descendants of the infrantryman Ramiro, grandson of King Garcia of Nájera, who consecrated the temple in 1137. By the end of the Middle Ages and with the lineage’s power decay, however, the villagers had progressively taken the lands and the property was managed by local aldermen, which eventually resulted in the end of cult at the church and the collapse of the lineage-house.

In 1534 Diego Ramírez de la Piscina recovered the patronage of the property and new statutes were drawn up for the Divisa. The coat of arms that was installed above the main door in the 16th century, when this institution was renewed, recalls that circumstance.

In 1974 the church and the lineage-house were restored thanks to a Sponsor Board of Restoration, which also constituted the so-called ‘Muy Ilustre y Antiquísima Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de la Probática Piscina de Jerusalén’ (the Very Illustrious and Ancient Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Probatic Pool of Jerusalem), created with the aim of recovering the thinking of the old Divisa. The statutes of this institution, which were approved in February 1975, established the appointment of a governing body that is headed by the Marquis of Legarda as patron.

The brotherhood celebrates its annual meeting and party on 15 August, the day of the Assumption of Mary.

One can become a member of the Divisa either as brother or as divisero. The eligibility criteria to reach the status of divisero are as follows: to be Catholic, to prove the nobility of one’s paternal lineage, and to be descendant of either the infantryman Ramiro or another divisero.


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